The Revenge of the Soul Eater Chapter 50 (ENG):Iria ②

To Iria, the man called Sora was a distant existence…or a forgettable one.   As a companion or a friend, she wasn’t as close to him as Lunamaria and Larz were, but at the same time, it wasn’t like she was hostile to him like Miroslav, who hated men, was either.   Iria did not like him... Continue Reading →

The Revenge of the Soul Eater Chapter 49 (ENG):Saving The Village of Melte

Three days have passed since I arrived at the village of Melte. The situation surrounding the village was quickly improving. The Jiraiaooks tree’s fruits cured their sickness of course, but a big part of it probably had to do with the fact that the villagers’ unease disappeared after the cause of the epidemic became clear.... Continue Reading →

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